Online Superstore Performance Dashboard

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The dashboard provides an overview of the performance of online Superstore in terms of sales and profits, as well as insights into customer behavior and product trends over the course of this year, including a comparison to past year results.

The dashboard consists of four pages according of what level of details we want,
đź“Ť Executive Summary which contains different sections:
- KPIs Section: Sales Performance, Profit Performance, Orders and Customers count . Each section provides detailed information about the store’s performance in that area. It also shows how every section has changed over time and in comparison to last year so we can detect seasonal trends for each product as well as overall trends in their volume over time.

🔗 I made sure The KPIs filter is user-friendly so you can filter the whole dashboard easily just by clicking over “Sales – Profit – Orders“.

- Then provides a breakdown of KPIs by segment, product category and subcategory, It also includes charts showing the top 5 Manufacturers selling products and also how each month performance compares to the previous year’s performance. “ ⚪ for PY and 🔴 for CY”

- Top returned products which helps in identifying quality issues so we can send feedback to the quality management team. - You can also breakdown by region and there’s a small map to breakdown by state but If you want to compare locations performance you can click on “Full Map Icon”.

đź“Ť Transaction Details
You can see the Transaction details just by clicking on “Order Details Icon” which provides detailed information containing Order ID, Transaction date, Customer name, Address, Is the order profitable or not, shipment method and finally the order status(Completed or still Pending).

đź“Ť Full Map
Overall, this dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of the Superstore's performance across multiple areas, allowing C-level executives to quickly identify areas where performance can be improved or capitalized upon.

đź“Ť Customers LTV
Just small chart of customer LTV over the past 4 years broken down by successive 16 quarters. It is an important metric for businesses because they can make more informed decisions about how much to invest in acquiring new customers, how much to spend on retaining existing customers, and how much revenue they can expect to generate from each customer over time.